Nexus 7

I’ve had a Nexus 7 for two weeks and there are lots of things I love about it and some things I really dislike.


  • I love the size. After using it, I really want a 7″ iPad.
  • I really like the universal back button at the bottom of the screen.
  • The soft home button moves to the correct position when you use it in landscape mode.
  • Rearranging icons is less annoying than in iOS.
  • Widgets can be placed on the home screen.

Not so good:

  • UI is ugly. No rounded corners, shadows, or gradients. Everything looks flat & square.
  • Endless march of notification icons across the top of the screen.
  • Many of my favorite apps aren’t available for Android. The only Twitter app I use is Echofon because it’s the only one that syncs my mute settings as well as unread tweets. It isn’t available on Android, which seriously limits my ability to use Twitter on the Nexus 7.

For a long time I dismissed the rumors of a 7″ iPad, but after using the Nexus 7 it makes perfect sense. A 7″ tablet is a lot more comfortable to use than a 10″ tablet, yet the amount of screen real estate is just as usable.

Links for 2011-02-28 through 2011-03-04

Links for 2011-02-28 through 2011-03-04:

  • Legendary game maker Graeme Devine on iPad game development pitfalls – Even seasoned, large iOS developers have dropped into the unfortunate habit of simply scaling up the graphics in their games but leaving interface and other game elements untouched – and from Devine’s perspective, this is a huge mistake. — this is a mistake we made with Removr.
  • APP ICON TEMPLATE – Photoshop template & actions to create iOS icons
  • Aperture Presets
  • How to Make Anything Signify Anything – Detail from a photograph of World War I cryptographers trained by William and Elizebeth Friedman, Aurora, Illinois, early 1918. By facing either forward or sideways, the soldiers formed a coded phrase utilizing Francis Bacon’s biliteral cipher.
  • Jeybee – Taking the Advantage with App Store Screenshots – Forget your app description for now, because 90% (80? 70?) of viewers will be doing the same. Apple knows this, and it is evident in the iTunes store. They only show a single line of your description, keeping the screenshots in view on any resolution. You see a similar thing in the iPad store. I suspect the only reason the iPhone store is any different is that the current setup is familiar to millions of people.

Posted by Postilicious

Links for 2011-01-17 through 2011-02-02

Links for 2011-01-17 through 2011-02-02:

Posted by Postilicious