Links for 2011-02-28 through 2011-03-04

Links for 2011-02-28 through 2011-03-04:

  • Legendary game maker Graeme Devine on iPad game development pitfalls – Even seasoned, large iOS developers have dropped into the unfortunate habit of simply scaling up the graphics in their games but leaving interface and other game elements untouched – and from Devine’s perspective, this is a huge mistake. — this is a mistake we made with Removr.
  • APP ICON TEMPLATE – Photoshop template & actions to create iOS icons
  • Aperture Presets
  • How to Make Anything Signify Anything – Detail from a photograph of World War I cryptographers trained by William and Elizebeth Friedman, Aurora, Illinois, early 1918. By facing either forward or sideways, the soldiers formed a coded phrase utilizing Francis Bacon’s biliteral cipher.
  • Jeybee – Taking the Advantage with App Store Screenshots – Forget your app description for now, because 90% (80? 70?) of viewers will be doing the same. Apple knows this, and it is evident in the iTunes store. They only show a single line of your description, keeping the screenshots in view on any resolution. You see a similar thing in the iPad store. I suspect the only reason the iPhone store is any different is that the current setup is familiar to millions of people.

Posted by Postilicious