Macworld Expo: Lines and Crowds

The floor is very crowded and the lines were long. Yesterday I got here at 8:45 AM for a 9:00 session, Macworld Live with David Pogue. The line already stretched from the entrance to room 134 to the other end of the underground hallway between the north & south halls. Fortunately everyone was able to get in. Later in the day I wasn’t able to get into the Windows on a Mac session, although I was able to get into the Best of Show session. Today I got here around the same time for MacBrainiac Challenge and there was no line. There was also no line for the Mac in your Living Room session.

The food is outrageously expensive – over $10 for a box lunch, $7 for a mini pizza, $3 for a soda, $4 for a latte. There are very few places to plug in my MacBook Pro to charge and wireless networking is only available in a few places.

I’ve posted some pictures of the show floor at Flickr.

1 thought on “Macworld Expo: Lines and Crowds”

  1. ahhh, the crappy performance cube, hav ent had the luxury to eat that since the last concert i went to. Sounds like a good year to go to MWE.

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