Expected downtime

It looks like all of my sites will be down Friday night until early Saturday morning. DreamHost sez:

Due to continued space and power constraints in our primary data center, we will be moving all central DreamHost functions as well as the “spunkyâ€? cluster to one of our newer data centers. This move will begin Friday, March 21st, at 9PM PDT, and is expected to last up to 12 hours, until Saturday, March 22nd, 9AM PST.

Central services include panel.dreamhost.com, dreamhost.com, dreambook.com, files.dreamhost.com, media.dreamhost.com, wiki.dreamhost.com, discussion.dreamhost.com, basically everything but secondary DNS and this status blog. Primary and tertiary DNS will be going down as well, but will have a more limited downtime window of only 2-3 hours. For spunky, all web servers, mail servers, file servers, and MySQL servers in the randy cluster will be unreachable.

The last time they did a big move like that, it was a major fiasco, which resulted in over 24 hours of downtime.

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