iPhone application usage stats show that many apps are used only a few times and are then forgotten. According to Pinch Media, only about 20% of users return to use a free app the day after they first download it, and after 30 days, less than 5% are still using it.
I Can Has Cheezburger doesn’t seem to be following those trends. These stats only include version 1.1 and later, since 1.0 didn’t include Pinch Analytics. We’ve had a total of over 5 million sessions totaling more than 153 years. That works out to an average of 13 minutes per session.

Our usage seems to show no sign of tapering off. This month so far we’ve seen over 22,000 first time users for a total of over 1 million sessions totaling over 26 years cumulative time for all users.

I Can Has Cheezburger is a very “sticky” app that people keep coming back to and spend a lot of time in, so it would be very successful as an ad-supported app. Ben & I have been talking to a mobile advertising company about putting ads in the application. Some people will probably complain about it, but this is too profitable for us to pass up.