I’ve made some fixes to my Post To Tumblr script to make it more reliable. I found that many newsfeeds don’t have a summary property, so I’m using description instead, which is more correct. I’m also testing the existence of all properties before I use them.
Here’s the updated script. You can also download it here.
on urlencode(x) set TheCode to do shell script "python -c 'import sys, urllib; print urllib.quote(sys.argv[1])' " & quoted form of (x) return TheCode end urlencode tell application "NetNewsWire" if title of selectedHeadline exists then set q_title to my urlencode(title of selectedHeadline) else set q_title to "Untitled" end if if permalink of selectedHeadline exists then set q_url to my urlencode(permalink of selectedHeadline) else set q_url to "" end if if description of selectedHeadline exists then set q_content to my urlencode(description of selectedHeadline) else set q_content to "" end if set tumblr to "http://www.tumblr.com/share?v=3&u=" & q_url & "&t=" & q_title & "&s=" & q_content open URL in new tab with tumblr end tell