VMware vs. Parallels revisited

Since Scoble praised VMware, I decide to take another look at the latest version. I own both VMware and Parallels, but I currently use Parallels.

The new VMware converter made it easy to move my Parallels VM to VMware, so I was able to run my most recent Windows VM with it. Although there’s very little speed difference, I find that Parallels generally feels smoother and better integrated with OS X. Shared folders seem to work better in Parallels, and I like that it will boot directly into Coherence. With VMware I have to manually switch to Unity after Windows fully boots and I’ve already logged in.

Parallels Compressor + Split Disk

I like to use split disks with my Parallels virtual machines, since it makes backing up the drive image a lot faster and easier. It seems that Parallels Compressor isn’t able to properly compact a split disk, though.

Today I decided to run Compressor since my Windows XP virtual disk was over 15 GB, even though it had less than 6GB used. After running compressor, the file ballooned to 19GB! I converted the drive back to a single file and it’s now down to 6GB.