McCain still has some honor

McCain is starting to speak out against the vicious anti-Obama attacks. At a recent town hall event, McCain acknowledged the “energy” people have been showing at rallies, and how glad he is that people are excited. But, he says, “I respect Sen. Obama and his accomplishments.” People booed at the mention of his name. McCain, visibly angry, stopped them: “I want EVERYONE to be respectful, and lets make sure we are.”

Later someone said: “I’m scared to bring up my child in a world where Barack Obama is president.”

McCain replied, “Well, I don’t want him to be president, either. I wouldn’t be running if I did. But,” and he paused for emphasis, “you don’t have to be scared to have him be President of the United States.” A round of boos.

Something very scary is happening

The attacks and rhetoric we’re seeing from the McCain-Palin camp now goes far beyond run of the mill gutter politics to something far more dangerous. Campaign events for McCain & Palin look more like KKK rallies with shouts to “kill him“. They’re tapping into seething racism to fire up the base.

Andrew Sullivan points out how dangerous this can be:

But they are also very very dangerous. This is a moment of maximal physical danger for the young Democratic nominee. And McCain is playing with fire. If he really wants to put country first, he will attack Obama on his policies – not on these inflammatory, personal, creepy grounds. This is getting close to the atmosphere stoked by the Israeli far right before the assassination of Rabin.

Meanwhile, Sarah Palin and her husband have been involved with a genuine terrorist organization, the Alaskan Independence Party.

If McCain had one shred of decency, he’d denounce these verbal attacks and tell his supporters to show some respect for Obama.

Not a hate crime?

How is this not a hate crime?

DAYTON — A 10-year-old girl sprayed in the face with a chemical Friday, Sept. 26, while at a local Islamic mosque was not the victim of a hate crime, police Chief Richard Biehl said.

The girl was watching children whose parents and relatives had gathered at the Islamic Society of Greater Dayton, 26 Josie St., to celebrate Ramadan when she noticed two men standing outside a basement window about 9:40 p.m., according to police.

One of the men then sprayed something through the open window and into the girl’s face from a white can with a red top, according to a police report. The girl said she immediately felt burning on her face and felt “sick to her stomach,” the report stated.

Other children and a woman in the room felt affects from the chemical and the mosque was evacuated.

If they weren’t Muslims, it would be all over the news and it would certainly be called a hate crime. The attack is widely believed to be inspired by a terror scare DVD being distributed by a pro-McCain group.

Slow motion train wreck

Whenever I watch an interview with Sarah Palin I feel like I’m watching a slow motion train wreck. She actually makes Dan Quayle seem intelligent and articulate. When McCain picked her, I lost what little respect I still had for him. There has to be more qualified people he could have picked. Choosing Sarah Palin was one of his most transparent political moves.