New features at MacMegasite

I’ve added a new MacMegasite Store, powered by B&H Photo, which sells Apple computers, including the new MacBooks, and Nikon cameras. I’ve also added Google Friend Connect, although I’ve only added the member widget. I’ll probably create a separate page for other widgets instead of adding more stuff to the sidebars.

A benefit of switching to WordPress

I upgraded a local copy of MacMegasite to WordPress 2.7 beta 1, which took less than a minute and didn’t break anything. A major Drupal upgrade like that would result in hours or even days of pain trying to fix everything it broke.

I probably won’t upgrade the live site to WordPress 2.7 until at least the release candidate is available, but I’m sure it will go just as smoothly.

This illustrates the big difference between Drupal and WordPress. Drupal makes no attempt to preserve backward compatibility with themes & modules. They even consider it a virtue, making bigger advances possible. Unfortunately this causes lots of pain for people running Drupal-based sites and makes it very difficult to update.

WordPress, on the other hand, manages to maintain full compatibility between releases, yet they still manage to make a big advance in capabilities.

New Sponsor

MacMegasite has a new sponsor, Mac Poker. I’m not too thrilled about it, but their site isn’t objectionable and they paid in advance. Thanks to their payment, I increased the memory & cpu allocation for my virtual private server, which should make all of my hosted sites faster.