Post to Tumblr from NetNewsWire

I use Tumblr to collect & share clippings from NetNewsWire & other items too small for a blog post. With the previous version of NetNewsWire, when I added an item to my clippings, the RSS feed from NewsGator was automatically imported into Tumblr.

Since that feature is gone in the NetNewsWire beta, I came up with another way to share items in Tumblr. Here’s an AppleScript that opens a new tab to post the currently selected headline in Tumblr in a way similar to the Tumblr bookmarklet.

on urlencode(x)
	set TheCode to do shell script "python -c 'import sys, urllib; print urllib.quote(sys.argv[1])' " & quoted form of (x)
	return TheCode
end urlencode

tell application "NetNewsWire"
	set item_title to (title of selectedHeadline)
	set item_url to (permalink of selectedHeadline)
	set item_content to (summary of selectedHeadline)

	set q_title to my urlencode(item_title)
	set q_url to my urlencode(item_url)
	set q_content to my urlencode(item_content)

	set tumblr to "" & q_url & "&t=" & q_title & "&s=" & q_content
	--display dialog tumblr
	open URL in new tab with tumblr

end tell

Download the script here and drop it in NetNewsWire’s script folder.

You can follow my Tumblr at

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