Peace & Quiet

I just changed my phone number. Since I moved here, I’ve been getting several misdirected fax calls a day for whoever had this number before me. It seems that my number was someone’s fax machine and it was listed in every mass fax distribution list. Many of the calls would arrive after midnight.

In particular, I would get calls from 305-521-156x every few days. I don’t have my fax machine set to auto-answer because I don’t have a separate fax line, but I’ve never been able to get it to manually connect and successfully receive a fax from that number so I could tell them to stop faxing me. Even though my caller ID shows the number and identifies it as “Jefferson Pilot”, my call block feature won’t allow me to block those calls.

In the last week, I’ve also started receiving daily fax calls identified as 025-000-0001 on my caller ID. I also haven’t been able to block that one or get it to connect.

Since the fax situation just seemed to be getting worse, I finally decided to go ahead and change my number even though the old number was on all of my stationery & business cards.