I’ve set up a new life streaming hub at mcohen.me using storytlr, an open source web application that lets you import & aggregate content from many of the sites you use. It’s based on plugins, so new sites can be added. For many sites that aren’t listed, you can simply use an RSS feed.
To run it on DreamHost, the newer version 0.9.3 works better than 0.9.2 since it eliminates the dependence on Tidy when importing RSS feeds and also adds several new plugins including Github.
There are few little things that aren’t really made clear in the instructions:
- It doesn’t update automatically. You need to create a cron job that looks for new items and updates the feeds. On Dreamhost, it should be something like:
/usr/local/php5/bin/php /home/username/sitename/protected/tools/update.php
- To import Flickr items, you must obtain an API key at http://www.flickr.com/services/api/ and enter it in protected/config/config.ini
- If you must run version 0.9.2 on DreamHost or any other web server that doesn’t support Tidy, comment out the following lines in both protected/applications/plugins/rss/models/RssModel.php and protected/applications/plugins/googlereader/models/GooglereaderModel.php:
$tidy = new tidy();
$tidy->parseString($content, $config, 'utf8'); $tidy->cleanRepair();
and change the following line:
$data['content'] = $tidy;
$data['content'] = $content;