Microsoft abandons gays

Microsoft abandons gays

Microsoft Corporation pulled its support for a gay rights bill in Washington state last month after complaints from a single radical right anti-gay leader, according to an article just published in the Seattle paper, The Stranger (the article is on the news stands already, online Thursday).

The radical right activist reportedly told Microsoft it had better pull its support for the gays or anti-gay bigots would launch a nationwide boycott of Microsoft, and guess what – Microsoft caved. A single anti-gay jerk, and Microsoft chose to reverse over ten years of policy and bash gays.

This is outrageous. It’s also incredibly dangerous. For over a decade Microsoft, along with hundreds of other corporate leaders, has endorsed gay rights legislation in the states and nationally. And now, suddenly, because ONE ANTI-GAY ACTIVIST COMPLAINED, they’ve suddenly changed their minds ON A CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE. A rather big “oops” after ten years of being in favor of civil rights, don’t you think? (via AMERICAblog)

2 thoughts on “Microsoft abandons gays”

  1. This is outrageous! Knowing that the vote in the Washington Senate failed by a single vote, Microsoft's spineless decision to change its previous stance on this bill may have made all the difference. I will do my best to boycott Microsoft software, Expedia, etc.

  2. This is outrageous! Knowing that the vote in the Washington Senate failed by a single vote, Microsoft’s spineless decision to change its previous stance on this bill may have made all the difference. I will do my best to boycott Microsoft software, Expedia, etc.

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