Leopard Delayed

Although I’m disappointed about Leopard being delayed until October, I’m not really in that much of a hurry to update to it. There aren’t any compelling features that make me want to update. I don’t use Safari or Apple Mail – I use firefox & gmail on the web, so I don’t really care about the improvements to those applications. I use Deja Vu to automatically back up my machine daily, so I probably won’t use Time Machine. The improvements in Leopard (minus the “top secret features” Steve Jobs hyped) are refinements rather than major breakthroughs.

Apple released a new developer build, 9A410, yesterday shortly before their announcement. As a developer, I downloaded and installed it on an external drive. There don’t seem to be too many major changes from the last build. I’m very disappointed that a bug I reported (which is already a known problem, rdar://4778258) is still present. It won’t calculate space correctly on my TeraStation share mounted via NFS, showing 3GB free rather than 525GB. Like the last build, I only boot it long enough to test my software and then go back to 10.4.

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