Converting OmniFocus to The Hit List

Since The Hit List finally reached 1.0, I decided to take another look at it. I already had a license, although I haven’t used it for a long time. One thing keeping me from using it was all of my projects & tasks that I have in OmniFocus.

I wrote this AppleScript to get my tasks from OmniFocus into The Hit List. It’s still a work in progress & has some limitations, like not supporting nested tasks & not importing the context for tasks. You can download the script here.


property myfolder : ""

property currentList : ""


on exportOneTask(thing)

tell application "OmniFocus"

if thing is not completed then

set nm to (name of thing)

set sd to start date of thing

set dd to due date of thing

set ct to the context of thing

set nt to note of thing

if ct is not equal to missing value then

nm = nm & " @" & (name of ct)

end if

tell application "The Hit List"

set props to {timing task:nm, notes:nt}

if sd is not equal to missing value then

set props to props & {start date:sd}

end if

if dd is not equal to missing value then

set props to props & {due date:dd}

end if

tell currentList to make new task with properties props

end tell

end if

end tell

end exportOneTask


on exportList(thing)

set nm to (name of thing)

tell application "The Hit List"

tell myfolder to set currentList to make new list with properties {name:nm}

end tell

tell application "OmniFocus"

repeat with t in (tasks of thing)

my exportOneTask(t)

end repeat

end tell

end exportList


on exportFolder(thing)

set nm to (name of thing)

tell application "The Hit List"

tell selected group to set myfolder to make new folder with properties {name:nm}

end tell

tell application "OmniFocus"

repeat with p in (projects of thing)

if p is not completed then

my exportList(p)

end if

end repeat

end tell

end exportFolder


tell application "OmniFocus"

-- set docSource to default document

my exportFolder(default document)

repeat with f in (folders of default document)

my exportFolder(f)

end repeat

end tell

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