At work we use Microsoft Team Foundation Server to assign tasks & work tickets. When someone assigns me a work ticket I get an email with a subject like ‘so and so assigned you work ticket 12345 – fix some bug’. It would be really useful if they could be automatically added as a task to OmniFocus.
I looked at OmniFocus’ mail rule for creating new tasks, but unfortunately it won’t work with TFS work ticket notifications because it requires a specially formatted email.
Using that script as an inspiration, I came up with this script that creates a new task with the message linked to the note field. I’m sharing it just in case anyone else finds it useful.
First you’ll need to create a mail rule that filters messages matching the criteria of the subject ‘assigned you work ticket’ and the TFS notification email address as the sender.

Here’s the mail action script:
using terms from application "Mail"
on process_message(theMessage)
tell application "OmniFocus"
log "OmniFocus calling process_message in MailAction script"
end tell
set theSubject to subject of theMessage
set p to offset of "Work Ticket" in theSubject
set theSubject to characters p through end of theSubject as string
set theText to "message:%3C" & message id of theMessage & "%3E"
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
set ctx to context "Work"
make new inbox task with properties {name:theSubject, note:theText, context:ctx}
end tell
end tell
end process_message
on perform mail action with messages theMessages
set theMessageCount to count of theMessages
repeat with theMessageIndex from 1 to theMessageCount
my process_message(item theMessageIndex of theMessages)
end repeat
on error m number n
tell application "OmniFocus"
log "Exception in Mail action: (" & n & ") " & m
end tell
end try
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
Many Thanks for the Script, I currently use Omnifocus and did not know this was even possible – this really opens a lot of doors for further exploration on my part.