I’m all moved in, but using a dialup connection now. I fried my DSL modem when I plugged it into the wrong AC adapter. BellSouth is sending me a new one this week.
I’m still pissed about the movers. They ended up charging me close to $800 (which is more than twice the estimate) because my old place was on the 3rd floor and they had trouble getting some items down the stairs. They also wanted cash, since nobody was at the office to take a credit card (and nobody bothered to tell me until they got there, so I had to rush off to the bank and take out cash). AT&T Broadband was supposed to install my cable TV today, but they never showed up. I called and they said the guy was way behind schedule. Since I couldn’t stay home & wait, I had to reschedule the installation for Thursday. I went back to my old place, cleaned it out, and returned the keys and then I picked up Cody at the vet this afternoon. Even though he was sedated, he still MEOWed very loudly the whole 30 minute drive and kept trying to get out of the cage. I stayed in the right lane on I-95 just in case I had to make a fast emergency stop if he got out. I’m keeping him confined to one room until he starts using the litterbox & until I get the rest of the place cleaned up & safe for him. Aside from the mishaps & expenses, the place is beautiful. When I came home from dinner Saturday night I saw a racoon in the parking lot. I’ve heard there’s other wildlife around & even occasional manatees in the river.