Aaronsw: I'm Not President But I Play One On TV

Aaron posted a great entry about Dean.

After watching him for a few days, I think Dean is the real deal. And his campaign manager, Joe Trippi, is doing everything right. Dean’s raising money from the grassroots, not the Democratic party elites. He’s got a comprehensive campaign finance reform plan. He has very moderate positions of everything else. He says what he means. He wants to overhaul the whole party (in his ads he says “I want to take our country, and our party, back”) and Trippi has suggested that we’ll see similar Dean-like Congressional candidates popping up all over the country. When you listen to Dean and Trippi you don’t hear prepared overblown remarks; they just answer the question honestly, simply, and plainly.

I wish Aaron was old enough to vote next year, but he misses by about a month.