16943 ª May 6 5:24 PM. Can gay sex succeed where Colin Powell failed? Great story about Jerusalem’s first gay pride parade, planned for June 7. Orthodox deputy mayor Shmuel Shkedi is incensed: “The very existence of these people is a provocation, their existence is uncivilized…This thing must be condemned.” Meanwhile, the organization behind the march, Jerusalem Open House, continues to host meetings of Israeli and Palestinian gays and lesbians on the same street where suicide bombers killed 11 and injured 188 last Dec. And here’s a report of Arik Sharon telling g/l leaders, “I think everybody should live their lives as they choose to” at a Feb. 26 meeting — the first-ever between an Israeli Prime Minister and representatives of the lesbian/gay/bi/transgender community. Commence group hugging now. (more links inside) [MetaFilter]